On the day checklist to ensure you are ready to receive your concrete delivery

Readymix concrete deliveries should be an exciting part of your project and good preperation will help ensure it goes smoothly. 


Things to be mindful of on the day:

Off loading Time:

Concrete pumps are specialist machines and come with a licenced operator, our partners operate in accordance with CPA (Construction Plant-Hire Association), pumps are supplied for hire with trained operators working under the CPA Terms and Conditions. 

Wet Concrete Burns:

Please review out Health and Safety Guide. A minimum PPE of:

  • Gloves
  • Safety Glasses
  • Wellington/Long Boots
  • Trousers
  • Long Sleeve top should be worn

Who Lays the Concrete:

We only deliver the concrete. We do not lay it 

Who supplies the tools:

We do not supply any of the tools required

Wheel Barrow:

Each 1.0m3 will require around 22 movements so make sure they have enough people and equipment to unload and lay the concrete

Checking The Concrete Consistency?

Once the truck is on site the driver will show you a small amount of concrete to see if it the required consistency class. If you want to add more water this will be documented on the delivery ticket by the driver and may in extreme cases, affect the quality of the product – The addition of water is the responsibility of the customer.

Truck Cleaning - Before Departing Site:

Once the delivery is complete a suitable area should be available for the driver to hose their A Frame and chutes clean. The water / hose etc. does not need to be supplied as the truck has these fitted

Proof Of Delivery:

The driver will confirm into their handset that the delivery has been completed. An email will be sent to the address provided in the purchasing process which will act as proof of delivery. 

Check List:

  • You know how you plan to offload and have the correct equipment to either wheel barrow or pump the concrete
  • You have prepared the area for the concrete pour
  • You have clear access and a place for the truck to park during offloading
  • You have sourced all the tools required to complete the job
  • Have a cup of tea ready to appreciate a job completed 

It is important to be mindful of the following guidance on the day of delivery to ensure you are aware of how to get the best out of the products and handle them safely.

How are you offloading 

We only supply the concrete we do not lay the concrete and we do not supply the tools for you. You need to ensure you are clear whether you will use a wheel barrow or pump to offlaod from our trucks. 


What is a pump?

Concrete pumps are specialist machines and come with a licenced operator, our partners operate in accordance with CPA (Construction Plant-Hire Association), pumps are supplied for hire with trained operators working under the CPA Terms and Conditions. You should contact your plant for guidance on pump hire in your area and ensuring the pump is ordered and delivered and set up before the concrete truck arrives.


Choosing to wheel barrow:

Each 1.0m3 will require around 22 movements so make sure they have enough people and equipment to unload and lay the concrete.

Checking The Concrete Consistency?

Once the truck is on site the driver will show you a small amount of concrete to see if it the required consistency class. If you want to add more water this will be documented on the delivery ticket by the driver and may in extreme cases, affect the quality of the product – The addition of water is the responsibility of the customer.

  • You know how you plan to offload and have the correct equipment to either wheel barrow or pump the concrete
  • You have prepared the area for the concrete pour
  • You have clear access and a place for the truck to park during offloading
  • You have sourced all the tools required to complete the job
  • Have a cup of tea ready to appreciate a job completed!